Black Ops 2 Dlc Names

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Please like and subscribe if you have enjoyed, it really means a lot to me and it only takes a second to do!:D My Twitter: My. You were selected as a winner of a Call of Duty: Black Ops 'First Strike' Map Pack DLC token for Xbox 360. The First Strike Map Pack contains 5 incredibly diverse maps spanning the globe; featuring 4 multiplayer maps and a new Zombie experience. Press silver XBOX button on controller.

  1. Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 Dlc
  2. Black Ops 2 Dlc Names

Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 Dlc

Black Ops 2 Dlc Names

Black Ops 2 Dlc Names

Loading Origins is the new Zombies Map available in the DLC Pack. It takes players back to the origins of the entire zombies story. It is set in France during World War I where the four original characters first meet. Most of the map consists of a series of trenches and several bunkers. A number of new features have been added to this map pack. Below is detailed information for many of the new map features. See also the and Giant Robot [ ] As seen in the Origins trailer, and one of the most obvious additions to the map, three giant robots will be walking around the entire map.

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