Chester Bennington Suicide Letter

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  3. Chester Bennington Suicide Scene
Chris bennington suicide

Rock Stars, Depression and SuicideIs There A Connection? The recurring headline continues on the front page of every news outlet as another rock star, Linkin Park’s Chester Bennington, comes to his end by the work of his own hands. The singer, who battled a drug and alcohol addiction throughout much of his career, hanged himself at his home in Palos Verdes, California at the age of 41. While many are now speculating the reason why Chester would leave behind his 6 children, the manner in which it mirrors the death of fellow frontman and longtime friend, Chris Cornell (Soundgarden, Audioslave), may give a hint as to why he chose to take his own life. Chester not only wrote a tear-filled letter to Cornell post mortem, but even played Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” at his funeral.

Bennington’s suicide also came on what would have been Chris Cornell’s 53rd birthday. Two months prior to Chester’s undoing, Cornell had killed himself in an eerily similar manner.

Chester Bennington Suicide

Only four hours after playing to a large crowd of fans at the Fox Theatre, Cornell took his own life at the MGM Grand hotel he was staying at in Detroit. Before Chester’s death, Linkin Park was set to embark on their next world tour. Much like Mr. Bennington, Cornell battled through addiction and depression throughout his career, but ultimately lost the battle when he used a resistance exercise band to hang himself. The entangled weave of addiction and depression that Satan helped to manifest through a guitar and in a few dark hooks has become the undoing of so many of artists.

Chester bennington wiki

Linkin Park's Chester Bennington was found dead of an apparent suicide on what would have been close friend Chris Cornell's 53rd birthday. Bennington ended his note with a heart wrenching, 'I. The son of Linkin Park frontman Chester Bennington left him a touching note, encouraging his father to “love life” in the weeks before his death. Eleven year old Tyler left a post-it note on.

Whether it is Chester Bennington (Linkin Park), Chris Cornell (Soundgarden), (Nirvana), Layne Staley (Alice in Chains), Scott Weiland (Stone Temple Pilots) or others, the interconnection of these artists and their ultimate destruction could only be described as something spiritual. Ravichandran kannada hit songs download mp3. Whether it was via drugs or suicide, there is a sinister thread that the enemy has used to not only influence young people with the “live hard/die fast” lifestyle of many of these rockers, but that he has used to destroy the very “prophets” that they became to so many people. When it comes to Cornell, Chris knew of the tremendous effect that his could have on young people and admitted to becoming surrogate prophets for the spiritually malnourished. In an interview with Spin Magazine he was asked about those leaving their religious backgrounds: SPIN: Don’t you think that there is a ritualistic, religious quality rock stars have that makes them surrogate prophets for spiritually malnourished youth?

Cornell: Whether they like it or not, probably, yeah. For the most part, that’s where people are going to turn, especially at that age.

Chester Bennington Wiki

Chester bennington suicide

Chester Bennington Suicide Scene

So a lot of times it’s going to mean being the most outrageous or most shocking to that young person’s role models up to that point. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad” () One can only imagine the adverse effect that these artists may have had on their fans, when their own friends are moved to commit suicide in like-manner when coming face-to-face with the reality that their hero has done the same. With the, it would not be far-fetched to believe that the copious amounts of time spent meditating on depression has had an effect. Brain Specialist Dr. Richard Pellegrino once said, “”Take it from a brain guy. In 25 years of working with the brain, I still cannot affect a person’s state of mind the way that one simple song can.” Think about that the next time you walk onto a college campus and there isn’t a student without the latest Beats headphones in his ear listening to his favorite song. You then realize that suicide has become the second leading cause of death amongst college students age 18-22.

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