How To Read Expiration Code

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I'm on the phone with the American Snuff Co. Right now trying to find an answer to how to tell the date of my Grizzly Longcut Straight can of tobacco. Look at the last 2 characters of the code on the bottom of the can.

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According to their customer service, can`s do not expire but have a born on that. The code on the bottom of your can will start with something like this: D1211. The d refers to month, 12 is the date, then 11 is the year. How to Read a Date Code By LeafTV Editor Store employees use 'open dating,' the calendar date on food packages, to decide when to pull an item from the shelf.


The first character of the last 2 characters should be a letter and the very last character is a number. The letter is a code for the month. A = January, B= February, C = March, D = April, E = May, F = June, G = July, H = August, Then they skip I because it looks like a One (1), so J = September and so on.

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Expiration Code Cheat Sheet

The last character is a number and it is the last digit of the year. So a Zero (0) stands for 2010. A One (1) would be 2011 and so on. I hope that helps everyone out so we don't all have to call Grizzly to ask. I don't know why they just don't print the date like everyone else. Enjoy and keep on dippin'! Grizzly smokeless tobacco is probably the second strongest tobacco in the industry.

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